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A fall scene of the Colorado Rocky Mountains

New Beginnings

October 24, 20238 min read

Emma inhaled sharply as the Rocky Mountains came into view. She had never seen anything so grand. It was truly breathtaking. The colorful trees that lined the streets only added to the beauty Emma saw as she drove by. Their leaves showed hints of Autumn with brilliant hues of orange, red, and yellow. Emma couldn’t believe she would see this stunning scenery every day now.

Freshly fallen leaves crunched under her boots as Emma stepped out of her car. Emma grabbed her bags from the trunk and set them in front of her new apartment building in downtown Denver. Bell Cherry Hills was tucked away on a small, side street. It was much quieter here than the busy main road, an ideal place for a new writer.  Emma took her bags into the lobby and up to her third floor apartment. 

All Emma owned fit into the two bags she carried through the door. She truly was starting over. The apartment was tiny, but cozy. Emma’s favorite space was the outdoor balcony. From there, she could see the beginnings of the colorful fall landscape, with the majestic Rocky Mountains in the background. Emma knew she’d spend most of her mornings sitting outside, enjoying the beauty. It was perfect. 

Emma had two days to settle in before she started her new job at the Denver Quarterly. She spent that time getting to know the area. She walked along leaf covered sidewalks, passing many lovely shops and restaurants. The streets were crowded with smiling people, window shopping and walking their pets. They all seemed so happy. Emma knew she’d be happy here too. She was already falling in love with Denver. 

The night before her first day at the Denver Quarterly, Emma was too excited to sleep. At the first hint of dawn, she gave up. Emma made herself a strong cup of coffee and went outside to soak in the sun’s first rays. She thought about the day ahead and her stomach did a flip. She was nervous, but ready. After coffee, Emma quickly showered, got dressed, and put on her makeup. Then she made the short walk to her new office. 

When Emma arrived at the Denver Quarterly, everyone was so welcoming and helpful. The chief editor introduced her to all the staff, gave her a tour of the office, and answered her questions. Emma also received an in depth training on her roles and responsibilities as a new journalist writing about such sensitive topics. Orientation took the entire first day. Emma was tired, but she walked home with a smile on her face. 

The next morning, Emma was eager to get started on her first assignment. She would be interviewing Tracy, a woman who’d escaped a serious domestic violence situation. Tracy was determined to tell her story and give other women hope and a way out. It was exactly the kind of story Emma wanted to tell. She prepped for the interview by writing down a few questions she wanted to ask. Then, she’d just listen as Tracy told her story.

Tracy came to the Denver Quarterly promptly at 10:00 am. It was such a lovely day, the ladies decided to sit outside for the interview. They found a wooden bench shaded by a bright yellow tree and sat down. They introduced themselves and made small talk about the beautiful fall colors and the long stretch of amazing weather they were having. Once Tracy was comfortable, Emma turned the conversation to the interview. 

Emma asked a few questions to start. How old was she when she met her ex partner? How did she find herself in a domestic abuse situation? When did she decide to get out? How did she get out? She told Tracy to take her time and to share only the details she was comfortable with. Once Tracy started talking, her whole story began pouring out. Emma furiously took notes, not wanting to miss a single detail. 

When Tracy was 22, she fell in love with an older man. Jack was handsome, charming, and a very successful businessman. He was everything she was looking for in a partner. In the beginning, Jack treated Tracy like a queen. After only a few weeks, she agreed to move in with him. Soon after, their relationship began to change. It was little things at first, like asking her to stay home instead of going out with friends. 

As time passed, Jack became more and more possessive. He demanded to know where she was at all times and who she was with. If she decided to go out with her friends instead of staying home with him, Jack would get mad and wouldn’t speak to her for days. Tracy’s friends tried to get her to leave him, but she refused. She really loved him. After a few months, she stopped going out altogether. It was just easier that way. 

The relationship was good again, for a while. Then, one night, everything changed. A simple argument turned violent. Jack smacked Tracy across the face. She was shocked. He’d never hit her before. Things just got worse from there. Any time Jack became angry, he would hit Tracy repeatedly. She did her best to keep the peace, but the tiniest things would set him off. Tracy felt scared and alone. She had no friends left to call. 

One night, the abuse was so bad Tracy ended up in the hospital. While admitted, she found out she was pregnant. She knew then that she had to tell the truth and get away for good. This tiny baby was depending on her. Tracy asked to speak to a detective, and she told him about the ongoing abuse. Jack was arrested and put in jail. After she recovered, Tracy spent the next few months making a new life for her and the baby.

Tracy moved to Denver, found a good job, and bought a small, cozy home, perfect for her and her daughter. Tracy was so happy now. She had an amazing group of friends who helped with her daughter. Tracy ended the interview by speaking directly to the women who would read the article. She wanted them to know that if she had the strength to leave, they did too. She pleaded with them to reach out and get the help they needed.    

Emma thanked Tracy for her time and for being brave enough to share her heartbreaking and inspiring story. Emma knew it would help countless women who were suffering like Tracy did. After they said their goodbyes, Emma went back to the office. She asked the chief editor if she could write the article from home. Emma knew this would be extremely emotional for her due to her own past abuse, and she didn’t want any distractions.

The chief editor knew some details of Emma’s past, so she agreed to let her work from home the rest of the day. Emma thanked her, grabbed her belongings, and made the short walk home. This time, she didn’t notice the colorful trees, beautiful weather, or happy people surrounding her. Her mind was consumed with Tracy and her story. Emma ate a quick lunch, then took her notebook and laptop out to the balcony. 

Emma read through her notes, and then started writing. The words just flowed from her heart onto the screen. She was using her own pain to tell the story of another broken woman. Emma didn’t stop writing until the article was finished. As she wrote the last sentence, healing tears washed down her face. It was a beautiful story of tragedy and triumph, much like her own. She sent the article to the chief editor, then closed her laptop.

The next morning, the chief editor came to Emma’s desk. She told her the article was simply amazing. She could feel Emma’s heart and soul in the words. Emma smiled. She was so happy her first story was a success. She couldn’t wait to see her name in the next edition of the Denver Quarterly. The chief editor told Emma to take the rest of the day off. She’d earned it. She would assign her a new story next week. 

Since she had the rest of the day off, Emma decided to visit the Rocky Mountain National Park. She drove slowly up the steep, winding road that took her to the very top of the mountain, stopping along the way to admire the view. Even though it was fall, the peaks were already blanketed with snow. The bright blue sky was the perfect backdrop for the colorful fall trees and distant, snowy mountains. Emma was in awe. 

As she breathed in the crisp, mountain air, Emma felt a deep peace settle over her. For the first time, she felt happy and alive. She also felt a profound sense of purpose in her work. Emma was helping other women who’d suffered like she did find healing and see a better future for their lives. This newly discovered purpose was also helping Emma heal and finally break free from her own past. It truly was a new beginning.

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Jaime Porter

I write about productivity, time management, mindset, and mental health. I also write fiction short stories and mysteries.

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